In this three-part interactive course which incorporates concepts from the Facilitool, you will learn how to use structure, build your presence and create flow – what we believe are the fundamentals of facilitation in any given context, be it creative workshops, working meetings or training sessions.
Although this course is taught in online and offline versions, the content is relevant to all facilitation contexts – in the physical and digital worlds.

Session 1
How structure can be used to develop sessions which are more engaging and effective for any audience.

Session 2
How we can use voice, movement and timing to adjust our relative status and develop presence.

Session 3
How facilitators' choices in action can support co-creative flow, even when the unexpected occurs.

"I was surprised by how much fun the format was.
I have done exciting workshops in person, but not a real online meeting that was as fun. This was new to me.”
- A. R., trainer and coach

understand different co-creation preferences
explore how these preferences can be used to design and structure effective sessions which engage everyone - even people with very different working strengths (the PARC model)
understand the key concepts of relative status and presence
recognise your own natural presence "level"
learn how to adapt it to suit any situation and need
develop a personal action plan to increase your presence

understand the key concept of flow in the context of co-creative sessions
explore how you can move between freedom and structure and understand their impact
know how to keep sessions moving effectively and achieve co-creative flow
remain confident in all situations
work in small groups
experience co-creation and facilitation with peers
connect with others in an online setting
enjoy a mix of action and reflection
share with other professionals and world-class experts
explore facilitation in a fun relaxed environment
experience engaging methods of digital facilitation
When the calendar allows, you will be assigned to a learning pod between sessions. With this group of your fellow participants, you can apply and practice what you've learned.
Technology play-date (Zoom + Miro)
In this course, we will use the online tools Zoom and Miro extensively. To allow you to get familiar or even better with the use of these tools, we invite you to a 20 minutes online play-date in our dedicated online sandbox. Come play with us 20 minutes before the start of the course!

Anyone facilitating workshops, meetings, training courses, events, or project sessions – for example in design thinking or service design projects – whether online or offline.
Access to computer (laptop or desktop recommended; tablet can work, smartphone NOT suitable).
A small space to move in
Paper, Pen, sticky notes.
English, usually with Dutch, French, German and Slovenian assistance available. Let us know if you need any language assistance - send us an email to cocreationschool@gmail.com.
Photo by Tyler Franta on Unsplash
Maximum number of participants: 24
Minimum number of participants: 10
599,00 EUR + TAX
Session 1
Optional free mini session for you to get familiar with Miro & Zoom
Welcome & orientation
Personal preferences
PARC model
Application & take-aways
Q&A session
Session 2
Welcome& review previous session
Types of communication
RElative status
Application & take-aways
Q&A session
Session 3
Welcome & homework review
Freedom & Structure
Different perspectives of flow
Application & take-aways
Q&A session
Refund and cancellation policy for online courses
We will refund your ticket fee if you cancel your participation up to 7 days before the course start date. If you have to cancel your participation between 6 and 0 days before the course start date, we will not be able to refund your ticket. However, you may pass on your ticket to another person for the same course at the same date.
Payment and invoice
You are able to pay online with credit card, Paypal or by requesting an invoice which will need to be settled by bank transfer immediately. Your registration is completed ONLY when your payment has been received. Payments and invoices are handled by our Swiss-based Co-Creation School partner Sparks Sàrl, who will communicate with you about these matters. All ticket fees are expressed in EUROS, no VAT or handling fees will be charged.
Additional terms & conditions
All materials provided and shared during and after the online course are free of use, however they are under copyright and are owned by WorkPlayExperience and Sparks Sàrl, partners of The Co-Creation School. Alumni do not acquire ownership rights in any of these materials and agree not to reproduce, modify or distribute any of the materials received from or provided. If you would like to receive copying rights, please reach out to us. We’ll figure something out!